Crossing Futures

Strategic decision-making for an uncertain future

Strategic advice focused on future scenarios

The world is changing faster than ever before and is becoming increasingly divided. For an organisation like yours, this is a complex and uncertain environment full of risks. It brings challenges both now and in the future. But how to prepare for an uncertain future you cannot predict?

One way to deal with uncertainty is to consider alternative futures and base strategic decision-making on them. By planning for alternative scenarios and their impact on your organisation in a structured way, you will be better prepared when this future materialises.

Time to bridge the gap!

Crossing Futures can help you to bridge the gap between the many uncertain external developments and your strategic decision-making. This can be achieved by structurally identifying relevant trends and developments that are relevant to the future of your organisation.

With this process, you can determine the relative importance of these developments and assess how your organisation can utilise them. You will be better equipped to anticipate immediate changes and better prepared to identify opportunities for growth and development.

Key note presentation

Strategic conversation

Scenario planning workshop

Strategic advice

Feel free to contact me for more information